Iniciar el Framework

EH Forwarder Bot ofreció 2 formas de iniciar el Framework:

  • ehforwarderbot

  • python3 -m ehforwarderbot

Ambos comandos son exactamente lo mismo, acepta los mismos indicadores, ejecuta el mismo código. Este último es solo una copia de seguridad en caso de que el primero no funcione.


  • -h, --help: Muestra el mensaje de ayuda

  • -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE: Switch profile

    A partir de la versión 2, EFB admite ejecutar diferentes instancias bajo el mismo usuario, identificadas por sus perfiles. El perfil predeterminado se llama `` default``.

  • -V`,` –version`: Imprimir información de versión

    Esto muestra el número de versión de Python que está utilizando, el marco EFB y todos los canales y middleware habilitados.

  • `` -v``, `` –verbose``: Imprimir registro detallado

    This option enables verbose log of EFB and all enabled modules. This, together with --version, is particularly useful in debugging and issue reporting.

  • --trace-threads: Trace hanging threads

    This option is useful to identify source of the issue when you encounter situations where you had to force quit EFB. When this option is enabled, once the first stop signal (SIGINT or SIGTERM) is sent, threads that are asleep will be identified and reported every 10 seconds, until a second stop signal is seen.

    In order to use this option, you need to install extra Python dependencies using the following command.

    pip3 install 'ehforwarderbot[trace]'

Quitting EFB

If you started EFB in a shell, you can simply press Control-c to trigger the quit process. Otherwise, ask your service manager to issue a SIGTERM for a graceful exit. The exit process may take a few second to complete.


It is important for you to issue a graceful termination signal (e.g. SIGTERM), and NOT to use SIGKILL. Otherwise you may face the risk of losing data and breaking programs.

If you have encountered any issue quitting EFB, press Control-c for 5 times consecutively to trigger a force quit. In case you have frequently encountered situations where you had to force quit EFB, there might be a bug with EFB or any modules enabled. You may want to use the --trace-threads option described above to identify the source of issue, and report this to relevant developers.