ehforwarderbot.utils öğesinin kaynak kodu

# coding=utf-8

import logging
import os
import pydoc
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Optional

import pkg_resources

from . import coordinator
from .types import ModuleID

[belgeler]def extra(name: str, desc: str) -> Callable[..., Optional[str]]: """Decorator for slave channel's "additional features" interface. Args: name: A human readable name for the function. desc: A short description and usage of it. Use ``{function_name}`` in place of the function name in the description. Returns: The decorated method. Example: .. code-block:: python @extra(name="Echo", desc="Return the text entered.\\n\\nUsage:\\n {function_name} text") def echo(self, text: str) -> Optional[str]: return text """ def attr_dec(f): f.__setattr__("extra_fn", True) f.__setattr__("name", name) f.__setattr__("desc", desc) return f return attr_dec
[belgeler]def get_base_path() -> Path: """ Get the base data path for EFB. This can be defined by the environment variable ``EFB_DATA_PATH``. If ``EFB_DATA_PATH`` is not defined, this gives ``~/.ehforwarderbot``. This method creates the queried path if not existing. Returns: The base path. """ env_data_path = os.environ.get("EFB_DATA_PATH", None) if env_data_path: base_path = Path(env_data_path).resolve() else: base_path = Path.home() / ".ehforwarderbot" if not base_path.exists(): base_path.mkdir(parents=True) return base_path
[belgeler]def get_data_path(module_id: ModuleID) -> Path: """ Get the path for permanent storage of a module. This method creates the queried path if not existing. Args: module_id: Module ID Returns: The data path of indicated module. """ profile = coordinator.profile data_path = get_base_path() / 'profiles' / profile / module_id if not data_path.exists(): data_path.mkdir(parents=True) return data_path
[belgeler]def get_config_path(module_id: ModuleID = None, ext: str = 'yaml') -> Path: """ Get path for configuration file. Defaulted to :file:`~/.ehforwarderbot/profiles/{profile_name}/{module_id}/config.yaml`. This method creates the queried path if not existing. The config file will not be created, however. Args: module_id: Module ID. ext: Extension name of the config file. Defaulted to ``"yaml"``. Returns: The path to the configuration file. """ if module_id: config_path = get_data_path(module_id) else: profile = coordinator.profile config_path = get_base_path() / 'profiles' / profile if not config_path.exists(): config_path.mkdir(parents=True) return config_path / "config.{}".format(ext)
[belgeler]def get_custom_modules_path() -> Path: """ Get the path to custom channels Returns: The path for custom channels. """ channel_path = get_base_path() / "modules" if not channel_path.exists(): channel_path.mkdir(parents=True) return channel_path
[belgeler]def locate_module(module_id: ModuleID, module_type: str = None): """ Locate module by module ID Args: module_id: Module ID module_type: Type of module, one of ``'master'``, ``'slave'`` and ``'middleware'`` """ entry_point = None if module_type: entry_point = 'ehforwarderbot.%s' % module_type module_id = ModuleID(module_id.split('#', 1)[0]) if entry_point: for i in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(entry_point): if == module_id: return i.load() return pydoc.locate(module_id)
class LogLevelFilter: def __init__(self, min_level=float('-inf'), max_level=float('inf')): self.min_level = min_level self.max_level = max_level def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord): return self.min_level <= record.levelno <= self.max_level